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Hotel near to the Rimini Convention Center – Rimini Convention Center 4 star Business

For over 60 years, Rimini Fiera S.p.A has held a vital role in national and international fairs. It enjoys a partnership with the AEFI, Associazione Esposizioni e Fiera Italiane (Italian Exposition and Fair Association) and is a member of the E.M.E.C.A., European Major Exhibition Centres Association, an internationally recognized and esteemed body with its headquarters in Paris.

From 2001, Rimini Fiera S.p.A. has been supported by a completely new Convention Center built in the north of the city with a total space of 460,000 m2 – 160,000 of which are green areas. Thanks to its layout on a single floor, it allows for the best possible flow of visitor and exhibitors into the various spaces and can simultaneously hold up to 3 fairs.

The Rimini Convention Center has its own internal railway station on the Milan-Bari line which adds to the eco-compatibility of the structure by lightening the number of vehicles on the traffic system and environment.

The structure is among the most modern and avant-guard in Europe and holds 25 exhibitions on an annual basis, another 5 on a biennial basis and 1 triennial. The majority of the events are organized by the Rimini Fiera S.p.A. either directly or in partnership.

Rimini Fiera plans its activities in four sectors (Hotel & Food Industry, Technologies & Environment, Entertainment & Leisure, Travel & Tourism) by using the unique nature of its land while never neglecting the professionalism of its services in new sectors such as technology and investments.

The Rimini Convention Center is undoubtedly the main player in the tourism business and also holds world famous exhibitions such as the Meeting of Rimini.

Among the fairs held at Rimini, those geared towards tourism and hospitality are the ones which attract most visitors and operators each year. The most important of these is the TTG Incontri, the International B2B Tourism Fair, followed by Sia Guest, the International Hospitality Exhibition, Mondo Natura, the International Motorhome, Caravan, Camping and Open-air Vacation Show, Sun and Giò Sun, the International Exhibition of Outdoor Products.

But the Rimini fair is not only about tourism: taking place throughout the entire year are events with themes such as the environment (RI3, Ecomondo), food (Sigep, Pianeta Birra, Food & Beverage Forum) and well-being (Rimini Wellness).

The New Rimini Convention Center

For your business trips and for all appointments from conferences to meetings, the largest Convention Center in Italy is coming to Rimini.
It features a space of 38,000 m2  designed by the architect Volkwin Marg, the artist behind the new exhibition center of Rimini.
The Convention Center will open in July 2010 with the BORSA ITC fair and will be located in the Old Convention Center area. The Music Auditorium will be built next to this and the current Convention Center.
9,300 PLACES, 42 halls and a main hall with a capacity of 4,700 visitors.

Visitors to the Rimini Convention Center will be able to use the spacious parking lots with 1,000 places and numerous vending machines and cooking areas.
If you’re looking for a 4 star hotel ideal for your stay while attending fairs held at Rimini or the events of the Convention Center, the Rimini* at Marina Centro of Rimini, thanks to its convenient location, is perfect for traveling to the Exhibition Center and the Old Convention Center area, while still enjoying a relaxing and luxurious stay.

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